Boat and resistivity gear with island
Groundwater ages in different settings
Groundwater age can support analyses of groundwater sustainability but is not itself a metric (Ferguson et al., 2020).

Groundwater age and residence times

Our research has used timescales of groundwater flow to quantify Earth’s groundwater cycling to help understand the role of groundwater in hydrologic and other Earth system processes. These studies can also contribute to constraining the fate and legacy of unwanted dissolved chemicals.

3D coastal hydrogeologic frameworks of the aquifers of the eastern United States.
Hydrogeologic framework of US East Coast and Gulf of Mexico coastal aquifer systems (Befus et al., 2017).


Quantitative frameworks of hydrogeologic parameters are critical for our ability to accurately represent and forecast groundwater systems. We apply an understanding of geology toward building hydrogeologic frameworks to understand and model groundwater flow and processes.

We have contributed to the development of the Groundwater Model RePository (GroMoPo) to make hydrogeologic modeling results more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Please join us in sharing groundwater model publications at!